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Int 03 Fn 0912  - Soft-ice - Back Door Commands - Get Breakpoint Informat  [G]

   AX = 0912h
   SI = magic value 4647h ('FG')
   DI = magic value 4A4Dh ('JM')

Return: BH = entry number of last breakpoint set
   BL = type of last breakpoint set
       00h BPM (breakpoint register types)
       01h I/O
       02h INTerrupt
       03h BPX (INT 03h-style breakpoint)
       04h reserved
       05h range
   DH = entry number of last breakpoint to be triggered
   DL = type of last triggered breakpoint (see above)
Program: Soft-ICE is a debugger by Nu-Mega Technologies, Inc.

See Also: AX=0913h,AX=0914h

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